Al Hamdani Logistics is pleased to be able to provide you with an accurate and timely rate for the shipping of your goods.

Use the form below to send us all information pertinent to your shipment.

To insure a prompt and accurate rate, please provide us with all the following information:


Al Hamdani Logistics is pleased to be able to provide you with an accurate and timely rate for the shipping of your goods.

Use the form below to send us all information pertinent to your shipment.

To insure a prompt and accurate rate, please provide us with all the following information:


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Every day we learn something new and useful that we want to share with you.

Logistics Services

As a contractor we promise to take care of all supply chain management, to make your shipments travel safe, fast and on time.


As a contractor we promise to take care of all supply chain management, to make your shipments travel safe, fast and on time.